If you love Instagram, grab this hack

I discovered this great hack that turns Instagram into more than just a “photo-sharing app” -- it makes it a brand-building platform.This nifty hook-up lets me:

  • Share Instagram posts on every platform (without that pesky link), as if it’s native content
  • Boost engagement and keeps me organized

And the best part?It’s nothing fancy: just a simple tool that will make your life sooooo much easier if you use Instagram.Instagram is my favorite social media channel because it’s so visual. I go there for inspiration. (I go to Facebook for connection, and Twitter for information.) For me, Instagram is about creativity. It inspires creativity and allows me to express myself creatively too.Basically, I love it. But what I don’t love is how I have to keep running around, posting the same photo manually on Twitter and my blog.Maybe you’ve been totally frustrated by this too: when you share from Instagram to Twitter and it posts a link back to Instagram, instead of the actual picture?Let’s get you in on the secret: IFTTT, a handy tool that I’m helping you set up today so you can use it to share the Instagram picture as a “native” picture on Twitter.What? The coolest!Expect an increase in your Twitter engagement and instant, easy cross-posting from Instagram to Twitter.The next thing IFTTT can do for you is save your Instagram pictures onto Dropbox automagically! That’s right, you share a picture on Instagram, and it will automatically show up in Dropbox.Why is that good? Because now you can use those photos on your blog or Facebook without having to email the picture to yourself.

Time. Saver.

So, if you love Instagram like I do, watch this 3-minute video about how to use IFTTT to make all this Instagram magic happen. And if you like the video, please share this post with your friends.


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