Tips for a great photoshoot

I truly believe the difference between a website you love and a website you "meh" is having gorgeous photos.

I had a photoshoot a few weeks ago and not only was it super fun, but it gave me a little spark of energy for my business. I'm feeling inspired and lit up, and I've got the photos to match.

So how do you get great photos? Here are my tips for a great photoshoot.

1. Hire a photographer -- don't rely on a friend. Two of my photographers have been art/photo teachers. One was a photography professor at the local university, so he had access to a photo studio. That's how we got the photos with the white background. We also got some great shots outside.

My recent photographer teaches art to kids, and I love her Instagram (@gemmazu) so I sent her a message and she said yes! Art teachers know what they're doing.

2. Keep a folder of your favorite poses. I have a folder on Instagram called "Pose like this" and any time I see a pose I like (basically all of Lenny Kravitz's photos), I save it to the folder. Then, I looked at it before and during our session, not to copy... just to get inspired.

Try to include people who don't look like you in your Pose Like This folder. More about that here. (8 out of these 15 photos don't look like me)

3. Get a good mix of horizontal and vertical photos.

4. Use more lipstick than usual, even if you scream while your photographer applies it. lol I don't use much lipstick so I was literally squealing when my photographer caked that color on my lips. The photos speak for themselves. I needed it!

5. Natural light is always best. Try to shoot outside at the beginning or end of the day. Your photographer will know where to find light.

6. Have a change of clothes. I get everything from the thrift store, so it's versatile, sassy, and not expensive.

7. Don't be afraid to cheese it up. The cheesier the better. It will feel totally goofy but will look really fun on social media and your website.

Do you have any other tips for good photography?


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