New mission: Batch Recovery

Two weeks ago, I had a little panic attack while looking through all the “tips” I’d saved on LinkedIn. So much pressure! I felt overwhelmed and my brain melted.

I immediately closed my laptop and didn’t open it for 10 days. I disengaged from a lot of social media.

🚶🏼‍♀️ Instead, I walked around the city, met new people, engaged in the world, and enjoyed life.

🤑 It was a VERY bad time for this to happen, but honestly, I’ve been burned out for 3 years and I couldn’t keep pushing through it. I’ve been doing a mediocre job marketing my own business because I didn’t have anything left in me.

🔥 I still love the work I do and I’m on fire when I’m with a client, but self-promotion is just not happening. (It’s wild because I’ve actually batched a ton of content, but it wasn’t getting posted.)

Fortunately (?), my burnout affects creativity for my own business, but not client work. Other people have no juice left to support clients, even though they have ideas. I totally get it!

This affects everyone in different ways.

The good news is, I’m back with a plan for consistency and playfulness. I’m calling it “batch recovery.” I’m not fully better but I hope to be more mindful of my energy and power down when I’m overwhelmed.

I’ll also use my batched content and some scheduling tools to make sure it happens. I really love my work and I’m ready for more! ✨

Terra Milo

Need a solid content marketing strategy? I can help! I work with businesses and entrepreneurs to create a content calendar, upgrade website UX, and build actionable email sequences.

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